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Membership Onboarding Process 



The MSV membership process takes a cohort (group) of applicants through three orientation sessions together to build camaraderie among the new members. This process ensures that new members are given consistent information about the Shed. A number of MSV leaders are involved in the delivery of the 3 sessions to help new guys connect with the leadership. 



The number of orientation session cycles will depend on the time of year. For example, fall is a busy time with increased membership applications, whereas spring and summer are not very busy. Orientation sessions will be scheduled according to the number of men seeking membership. Guys inquiring about membership are put on a wait list and become part of the next available cohort. A Membership Team member is in contact with those on the wait list.

Once a cohort is formed, a schedule for all sessions will be created for the cohort. Cohort size may vary according to demand. If at all possible, the 3 sessions will take place over 3 consecutive weeks. If an applicant is unable to attend orientation 2 or 3 in the same cohort, he will be placed in the next cohort without losing sessions already attended. 


Shed Orientation 1:


Cohort: presenters cover a variety of topics and a brief tour of the shop is given to the guys attending. They are given a membership form along with an orientation package to consider before committing to Orientation 2. Topics include:


  • What is the Men’s Shed?  

  • How is the Shed different from a community shop or a maker space?

  • What do we do at the Shed? 

  • What is the culture of the Shed?

  • How do we pay for the MSV operation with low membership fees?

  • Tour: short overview of what the shop contains/hours of operation

  • General information: Shed hours; access

Shed Orientation 2:


Cohort: this session is for those who complete Orientation 1 and decide to take out membership. Topics include:


  • Finalize membership form; pay membership fees

  • Orientation to Website and Wix (communications team) 

  • Overview of board and teams: what is your sweet spot serving the Shed? 

  • Tour of shop with a safety focus

  • WorkSafe BC booklet handed out to be read for Orientation 3


Shed Orientation 3:


Cohort Safety Training: session 3 is for those who have completed Orientations 1 and 2.


  • Name tags are handed out. 

  • WorkSafe BC: discussion of shop safety; attendees sign off that they have read it and are comfortable with it. A quiz is involved. 

  • Read and sign safety policy statement

  • A Safety Badge is put on member’s profile

  • A FOB (electronic key) is handed out granting access to the Shed and instructions given on its use


Once all 3 orientation sessions have been completed, the applicant is a full member of Men’s Shed Vernon. This permits him to attend the Shed and take part in all events. However, independent access to major tools e.g. table saw, planer, drum sander, chop saw is not permitted until the new member is signed off on specific equipment ensuring that he can operate each of them safely. 


To help stop the spread of COVID-19 and protect the safety of members, The Men’s Shed follows Provincial & regional regulations.

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Men’s Shed Vernon welcomes men of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.

The Men’s Shed is a place to share knowledge and skills.
We strive to create an environment where men work together on projects or alongside one another in a way that fosters a culture of support and mutual learning.


We work on different types of projects at the shed. â€‹ 

Community Projects: Collectively work in teams, applying our skills to support other charitable organizations that need repairs, building & construction assistance, deck work and other carpentry style projects.

Personal Projects: Sharing our skills and learning from other members we build projects for our personal and family interests.

Enterprise Projects: We collectively work in teams on enterprise projects that raise funds for the Shed’s programs and operations.

Shed Projects: Shed space improvements like tables and coat hooks!


Cheerful Givers

Members give back to the Shed as a way to show appreciation and participate in the collective experience. Some members contribute what they can financially, other members dedicate their time, and others offer contributions of knowledge and skills.

Everyone is welcome to the Shed, regardless of your ability to contribute.

Shed Values

Personal Safety 
Teamwork & Social Interaction
Mutual Learning
Sharing & Helping 
Respecting the Space
Cheerful Giving


Send us a message to request an application form or arrange a visit.

Thanks for submitting!

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