We make frequent reference to Men's Shed Vernon as a place where we can give back. We like to think of that contribution as a unique combination of Time, Talents, & Resources (TTRs) for each Shed member.
This is the stage of life for many of us where we no longer have the constraints of a work life dictating our schedule. We don't have more time, we just have more choice on what to do with that time. We can dedicate some of that precious and unknown allotment of time to this meaningful endeavour of improving men's well being.
This is the stage of life for many of us where we can develop those skills that interest us, and learn more rapidly by leaning on other Shed guys who are already accomplished at those skills. We can share our own talents with other guys in return. Both are very gratifying.
For some, this is a time where we realize that we have been fortunate to have acquired financial assets to satisfy our lifestyle and beyond. For those, it is a pleasure to distribute the excess and put it back to work. Jim and Laverne Popowich are one of those support couples who lived out that generosity to MSV and to our community. Jim once said "Let me do this, guys...it's fun for me".
A gentle reminder for those who still want finances to be a component of your TTR giving, you can make a tax deductible gift by pressing the DONATE button on our web site. You can direct your gift to our future endowment fund that generates legacy income, or to our operating account to make us sustainable next year.
Each of us has our own combination of Time, Talents, & Resources that we can give to Men's Shed Vernon, and receive the reward of companionship, contribution and community in return. Thanks to each of you for those TTRs in 2024. I trust that it has been rewarding for you as it has been to me.