Kal Rotary is a long standing and highly regarded community asset in Vernon. Their annual Dream Auction is a major event that generates funds to fuel initiatives by a host of other local non profit groups. Men's Shed Vernon has benefited from that support.
To say thanks in return, the Men's Shed Vernon guys collaborated with CS Mfg and Nicholas Alexander to donate a cedar shed to the 2021 Dream Auction last fall. The generous high bid couple then proceeded to upgrade the shed size, and had it delivered from Spallumcheen this spring.
The enclosed instructions indicate that the modular shed can be built by three people working together. We thought that three was a bit light, and that NINE guys would be more fun. Turns out it was more fun, if not much more efficient.
The CS Mfg "Boat House" shed was cut to size, labelled, and went together real well. We enjoyed our time with our hosts and new friends, and hope that they enjoy their new shed for a long time.
Please be sure to participate in the annual Kal Rotary Dream Auction. Perhaps we will meet YOU next year!