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We have a lot of fun at Men's Shed Vernon. We build stuff, We make new friends, We learn. We laugh a lot. You might think it's just a big sandbox for retired guys. Well...maybe...but then again:

We are doing life together. None of us have done this "old guy thing" before. Changing, and shrinking families. Pensions. Aches & Pains. Appointments.

The safety to make real responses when asked " How are you?" The opportunity to give back to one another and to our community through the power of a group effort.

For the last few years, we have had an internal fund raising contest at Men's Shed Vernon during Movember. We grow moustaches. We give and get some ribbing, and we encourage one another to get checked.

Did you notice that the first four letters "MOVE" are a call to action? PLEASE guys...get a baseline check. Book it TODAY.


Come join us at Men's Shed. Engaging Hands, Hearts, & Minds.


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